Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Live Art, New Finished PAinting, and more on the horizon.

The Live Painting at the Matrix on the fifth, hosted by Ian Ross, was a success! It was my first time painting in front of people and for some reason I felt very energized and just kept the brush moving. I a bit of the performance aspect boosts creativity in a very weird way. I was also a little drunk so that might have helped.

This painting is finished, I think. I"m thinking of adding colored lights to the background but I'm not sure if I will. It's probably a good idea so this painting is not finished I lied, but very close to though.

I'm working on some new stuff on fiber glass at home. It's coming a long nice and I think this will be one of those paintings where I don't have an appearance. I noticed my characters take different meanings whenever I move forward with this series. It's like they have a lifer of their own almost.
Oh oh there was a silent auction which I was a part of in Autobody Fine Art. I'm not sure how it went but hopefully it went well :)

1 comment:

Mike Matteri said...

Congrats on the successful live show!